How We Work With You
No two clients have the exact same needs, and the process used to achieve your goals should reflect that fact. While our process is designed to cover important issues common to all our clients, the exact details of our work with you is determined by your needs.
Every engagement begins with a detailed examination of your present financial position. Using a standard checklist, we capture information that is important to your situation. For some clients, only portions of our checklist apply. For those who desire a comprehensive strategy for achieving multiple goals, the entire checklist is used.
We next determine the goals you wish to achieve, in as much detail as possible. This goal setting step also explores alternatives that you may desire or that may be acceptable.
This information determines where you are and where you want to be in one, five or twenty years. We then develop recommendations and strategies that help you achieve those goals. Those are presented to you first as a draft report. This gives you the opportunity to ask for more detail, to pose questions or raise concerns. That feedback then goes into a second draft and we repeat the process. In fact, we repeat the process until you feel comfortable in understanding the plan.
For some clients, this concludes our work together, as they proceed forward with confidence to execute the recommendations. Others desire assistance in implementation. Still others desire an on-going relationship with Southward Financial Services, LLC to manage investments and maintain progress on the plan.
We are able to accomodate these differences. For those who seek a limited engagement, we offer planning on an hourly rate. Our current rate is $120 per hour. Some clients who choose this method come back on a regular basis for a review and update of the work.
For those who seek an on-going relationship, we offer an annual retainer fee or a fee based on the size of your investment portfolio. These differences in the two fee arrangements are discussed in our Form ADV and relate to the complexity of the work involved.
We welcome the opportunity to assist you in meeting your financial goals. Please feel free to contact us at your convenience to see how we can help.